Type: | Truck |
Make: | Nissan |
Year: | 1984 |
Model: | 720 |
Color: | |
Description: | 1984 Nissan out of California. Great running super dependable truck. 2.4 4cylinder, 5speed 4x4. Truck does have air but currently not working due to idler pully availability. Low miles at 150000 for an 84. |
Price: | $7,500 |
Miles: | 150000 |
Seller Name: | Highway 5 Auto Sales |
Address: | 221 W Walnut Dr |
City: | Hartord |
State: | IA |
Zip: | 50118 |
Telephone: | 515-554-9408 |
Emailaddress: | voodoogravy@gmail.com |
Websiteurl: | http://highway5auto.com/ |